Lego Animation

This week I had a group of students from Year 5 and 6 working in teams to create some Stop Motion Animation with lego.

We used the webcam in our laptops to capture the images and then loaded them in to a program called ‘Stop Motion Animator’.

Here are some photos of the students at work.

Here is Olivia and Sam’s finished product:


Interviewing Senior School Students

During this term we have been trying to make the transition into Senior School an easier process for the Year 6 students.

Students have taken part in an Orientation Day where they had ‘taster’ lessons in Senior School rooms.

They have also been reflecting on big changes that have already occurred in their life and how they are able to come out the other side of those changes relatively unscathed.

Today we went and visited some Senior School students during their lunchtime and the students in 6L were able to ask them some questions about high school and what advice they could pass on.

Here are some photos of the students conducting their interviews: