Animal Prezis

For Science this term we have been looking at different ecosystems and how animals have adapted to survive in different environments. We observed mould growing on bread to see which environmental conditions were most favourable to allow the mould to grow and flourish.

Students also researched an animal which was known to survive in an EXTREME ENVIRONMENT.

They had to research and present a Prezi on their animal making sure that they paid special attention to the feature of the animal which allows it to live in its environment. That had to include the following information:

  • It’s habitat (where it lives)
  • Physical features (how does it survive in its environment)
  • Diet (what does it eat? Where does this fit in the ecosystem?)
  • Interesting facts

Students also had top give a hypothesis on how the animal would need to specifically change to adapt to its environment if something happened to disturb their natural ecosystem (e.g environment changed, part of the food web was removed, etc.)

Their reports were fantastic. Here is a quick slideshow of them about to present:

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