Sri Chinmoy Oneness Home Peace Run

On the 6th of September, four men came to Myrtleford P-12 College. These men a part of team who carry a torch with a flame, similar to the Olympic torch, and run around the world country by country to promote peace. The men explained what they do and then we played a game. After that we watched a little film. It was about all the countries they went to, and some special people that have held the torch. Muhammad Ali was one of the people who got to hold the flag.

When the movie finished year 6 read their poems on peace. Everyone did a great job on their poems. They were awesome. We had bought a Magnolia tree to plant at the school, and the men gave us a plaque to put with the tree so that it can be dedicated as a ‘Peace Tree’.

At the end we went down to the oval with the torch and we all got to touch it for a second. Then we ran around the school oval behind the torch which a couple of people got to hold. Thank you to the men that came to our school, it was great!

By Molly

Why do you think it is important to have peace in our world?

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