Testing our Packages

6L wrapped up their last day of Term testing the packages they had designed and made in Science.

Each Collaborative Cluster was given the following Design Brief:

A fragile gift for a special person needs to be delivered safely.

Design a package that is:

  • Of a suitable size to hold the gift
  • Able to hold the gift
  • Made of environmentally responsible materials
  • Aesthetically pleasing

Here are some photos of the teams working and then showing their final package:

Once all the packages were complete we took them outside to test.

Each team had to drop their package from the top level of the D Block verandah and then check to see whether their fragile gift (a raw egg) survived.

Here is a video with all the teams conducting their test:

Vietnam Diorama

Our classroom has been immersed in images from Vietnam!  The students have brought in the dioramas that they have been working on and they all look fantastic!

We had dioramas on fashion, TET, farming, housing, orphanages and markets.  There was also a ‘couple’ on the Vietnam War.

Each student had to present their diorama to the class and talk about why they chose their particular theme and share some interesting facts they had learned about Vietnam.

Here is an Animoto clip of the dioramas:

We then visited the other Year 6 classes to see the other dioramas that had been created.

Here are some photos:

Vietnam News Reports

Students in 6L have been working through a WebQuest that I made on Vietnam this term.

You can have a look at it here.

Chloe had a great idea.  She suggested that we present some of the things we have been learning as a News Report.  Each Collaborative Cluster became a News Team and they brought us information on Current Events, Food, Clothing, Sport and Weather.  Each member of the team had to present some information and the Tech Support member was responsible for controlling the Powerpoint on the laptop computer.

I filmed the News Reports using my iPhone and here they are…




Da Vinci



Einstein’s Riddle

It is always great to see students getting passionate about learning.

It’s even better when they want to share what they are learning with others.

This week Luke sent a message to me on Edmodo asking if he can share a problem-solving task with the class.  It was called, ‘Einstein’s Riddle‘.

You can download it here and have a go at solving it!

Today Luke became the teacher and the class formed up into collaborative groups.  He then gave them the task to solve.

Teams were able to send one student to Luke who would give them a clue which they could take back to their team.  Only one clue was allowed at a time and they had to try and remember the clue as they weren’t allowed to write it down.

Everyone had a great time working on the problem and Luke gave us the solution at the end.

Great job, Luke!