Writing Descriptions

This week we have been learning about writing descriptions using similie.

The students have really enjoyed it and have come up with excellent, creative descriptions.

Here are a couple…

His hair is as black as the night sky.  It looks like a piece of fairy floss.
His forehead is as shiny as a car coming out of a car wash.
His eyebrows are like a brown tree that just grew.
His eyes are as blue as the water, as blue as the sky.
His cheeks are as red as flowers.
His nose is as freckly as a very spotty cheetah.
By Jai

Her hair is as shiny as a new glass cup. It is as brown as the brown tubs sitting on the shelf.

Her eyes are as blue as the ocean shimmering in the light.
Her eyelashes are as black as our school jumper when they are new.
Her nose is as normal as a normal nose.
Her lips are as dull as the pink on the Brazil World Cup Planner.
Her chin is as round as a ball bouncing on the ground.
By Matilda

His hair is as dark as Mr Lindsay’s lunchbox sitting on the plastic drawers. It’s blown to one side like someone just put hair gel in their hair ready to go out to dinner.
His forehead is as smooth as silk ready to be sewn. It’s as round as a soccer ball being kicked around in the field.
His eyes are as brown as chocolate being eat by me! They are also as white as a pair of new shoes being bought by a nine year old boy.
His ears are as big as the girl’s ears in Alice and Wonderland in the Red Castle.
By Declan


Colonisation or Invasion?

This was the question that the Year 4 students had to think about in relation to the First Fleet coming to Australia in 1788.

The students had to bring together all that they had learned about the First Fleet and why they came to Australia, as well as the work we have done on trying to understand the traditions and culture of the First Australians.

Here is an awesome answer from Amy…

I believe that Governor Arthur Phillip and the 11 ships of the First Fleet invaded the Aborigines.  Yes, England didn’t have anywhere to put their prisoners but that is England’s problem – not the Aborigines.  They didn’t do anything to them.  Arthur Phillip just used Bennelong to get into the Aborigines’ mind to believe they’re good and they just wanted to colonise but they actually came to Australia to store their convicts.

Aborigines have a totally different culture and they’re semi-nomadic so they can let their sacred land re-generate.  The First Fleet could have come to Australia but respect their ways and culture.  The Aborigines believe in the Dreamtime and follow their older ways and they did that generation after generation and suddenly these white people turn up and demolish their ways.  The Macassans traded with the Aboriginals and got along with them because they connected with them and respected them.

By Amy

Investigating Oil and Water

As part of our research on the Great Barrier Reef, we have investigated the dangers which can affect the future of the reef.  Oil spills are a great threat considering how many ships pass through or near the reef on a yearly basis.  We learned that up to 6000 vessels will pass through the reef and the chance of a collision or grounding on the reef if highly likely.  Damaged ships can leak tonnes of oil into the ocean and this will have disastrous consequences for the reef and the wildlife which inhabit it.

Today in Science we investigated this problem.

The AIM of the experiment was to “Find out how oil can affect animals on the Great Barrier Reef”

A copy of the experiment can be found here under the Year 3 Teaching Unit.

Here are some of the things the students learned…

“I learned that oil can’t mix with water” – Jai

“Oil is hard to get out of water.  I never realised it was so hard! Animals in the Great Barrier Reef could die” – Matilda

“Oil is slippery and it is hard to get off things once it’s on” – Grace

“I didn’t know that oil can make big bubbles in water” – Jessica

“Oil can affect many animals and their habitats” – Lani

“It’s really hard to clean oil out of water” – Kayleine

“I never realised it was that hard to get oil out of water” – Hannah

“I didn’t know that oil and water didn’t mix” – Jack


Today we learned about using similie in our writing to make it more interesting and descriptive.

After a quick discussion here is what the students came up with…

The rain was heavy like golf balls hitting the ground – Grace

That old man is as slow as a turtle with 5 bricks on his back in the desert – Jai

The cheetah was as fast as a racecar zooming down the track – Matilda

His hair is as bright as a gold block lying in the sun – Jack

The blue poster is like the water waving in the sea – Jess

The snow is melting on a hot summers day like a glistening waterfall – Jasmin

The tree is as green as the grass in the meadow – Adella

The dog is as dark like the dark sky shimmering in the night – Tamsin

The table is as strong as a steel car sitting in the driveway – Declan

The bright streetlight shimmers like a UFO coming to Earth – Levi

My puppy is as cute as a bunny on a beautiful, autumn evening – Nick

The KTM is as orange as the poster on the lime wall – Cameron

The light is like a feather fluttering through the air – James

Great work, 3/4L!