RHAC 10-Year Celebration Day

2012 marks the 10 Year Anniversary of our College.

We have been celebrating with special assemblies, performance nights and mufti days.

On Friday we had a big party day!  The K-6 students all had lunch together and then took part in a variety of party games including:

  • jumping castle
  • fairy bread making
  • musical chairs
  • balloon relays
  • rob the nest
  • pin the tie on Mr Fowler (the principal)

Ben completed this amazing drawing in his Homework Book.

Here is an animoto video of the students in action on Party Day

Classroom Displays

Lately I have been trying out a few new classroom displays to help engage the students and set the climate for the type of learning environment that I want.

Pinterest has been a great help as I started following some educators and discovered some great ideas.

Firstly, we embed the Habits of Mind into our Teaching and Learning so I decided to create a Habits of Mind wall which displays photos of the students exhibiting the different habits during normal classroom activities

I also found this great chart to assist with Classroom Management.  Students start the day all on the ‘Ready to Learn’ level (that is where I expect all students to begin when they enter my classroom).  From there they can move up and down the chart depending on their actions and behaviour.  This will also work in well with my online Classroom Management System (Class Dojo) which allows me to monitor positive and negative behaviour and produce reports to give students meaningful feedback.

I also found this helpful chart which assists students in knowing their noise level in the classroom.  I have 3 of these charts displayed around the room and already after a couple of days I can say things like, “Dane – what level are you on?  What level should you be on?”  It has helped the students understand that there is a time and place for different voice levels and helping them to choose the most appropriate level for the activity they are doing.

Bridging It

Students in 6L have been completing experiments in Science to test the integrity of materials when using them to protect items (see Crash Test Cookies post).

The latest experiment consisted of the students working out how to shape paper to give maximum strength and structural integrity. They had to see how many counters could be supported across a gap by just a piece of A4 paper.

Here are some photos of the students working their Collaborative Clusters:

Delivering Speeches

We are currently conducting a public speaking competition across the Junior School.

Each student had to prepare a 3 minute speech on a topic about our College since this year is our 10th Anniversary.

Year 6 had the topic, ‘My School’.

Here are some images of the students presenting their speeches.


Vietnam News Reports

Students are currently working through a webquest on Vietnam which can be found here.

One of their tasks is to work in Collaborative Clusters to present a news report which will cover the following topics:

  • Current Events
  • Clothing
  • Food
  • Sport
  • Weather

Here are the news reports.  Please comment with your thoughts…


Crash Test Cookies

As part of our Science and Technology Unit (Package it Better) the students worked in Collaborative Clusters to see which packaging material provides the best protection against impact.

The were given a Milk Arrowroot biscuit and an envelope.  They also had the following packaging materials to test:

  • Bubble wrap
  • Shredded Paper
  • Styrofoam

Have a look at the students at work.