Jack’s Amazing Holiday

Jack went on an amazing trip over the Easter holidays.

He presented a report today to the class and talked about the places he visited, including Nice, Monaco, Tuscany, Lake Garda, Venice and Rome.

It sounds like you had a great trip, Jack!

Feel free to post comments or ask Jack questions about his holiday.




$25 000 for a Global Aid Project

Australia was once very isolated from the rest of the world. For early white settlers it seemed like the end of the earth. Modern technology and communications have changed this isolation, connecting us to the rest of the world.

This has led to an increasing awareness of conditions in other parts of the globe. Australia belongs to many different global organisations e.g. United Nations, AusAID, Greenpeace, Amnesty International and Red Cross.

Through these organisations we are involved in improving the living conditions of people throughout the world. This aid can improve basic human rights including health, education, water, food etc.

The students in 6L had to prepare a speech to convince the Director of a Board (Mr Lindsay) to donate $25 000 to a worthwhile aid project.  Only one student from the class will be chosen to receive the money.  Each student had to:

  1. Research a worthwhile aid project that THEY felt was most worthy of the donation
  2. Write a summary (using the attached worksheet) of the aid project.
  3. Plan their exposition using the planning sheet.
  4. Write an exposition supporting their choice (include a Christian perspective in your argument)
  5. Present their exposition as a speech to your classmates.
  6. The best presented exposition will receive the $25 000 for their aid project.

Here are the four finalists presenting a summary of their project.  We would love to hear who you think deserves the $25 000.

Students in 6L – there is a poll running on Edmodo.  You can vote for the student who you think deserves to win the $25 000 for their project.  The poll will close at the end of the Easter Holidays.