Persuasive Writing

Students in 6L had the following writing task today:

“A new skateboard park opened in your community.  After a few weeks, the park closed because of increased youth violence and disruption in the area.  Do you think it is right that the park is now off limits to everyone?  Write a persuasive letter to city officials encouraging them to consider a different plan of action.”

Here is Lachlan’s letter:

Dear City Officials,

 You have obviously noticed that since you closed down the skateboard park, there has been a lot of disruption to everyone.  Therefore, I have come up with a few ideas and reasons for why you should reopen the park.

 My first reason is that you have poured a lot of money into this project.  You can’t let it all go to waste.  The people of this city have to pay for this skate park through their tax.  It is a waste of money for them as well.

 My second idea is that we could have a system where you are given a card.  Every person that enters the skate park gets given one and they have to keep it.  On the card are two circles.  If someone does something wrong then they get a hole punched in the circle on their card.  After two warnings they can never come back.

 Another reason I have is that you can put security walls around the park so that no one can get in during the night and cause vandalism.

 That is why I think you should reopen the park.


 Lachlan C.