

We currently have a lot of bushfires burning around our area at the moment and we are constantly hearing reports and updates on the news.

Even as I type this we are all having our recess inside due to the poor air quality outside from the smoke.

Since the students were experiencing lots of reports and images from the bushfires, and some even have friends and family directly affected, I decided that we would do a writing task using “Bushfires” as the stimulus.

Here are two great responses…

Eyes wide open
In a bed of flames
Leaping to action
and screaming their name.
Scorching skin
and sizzling hair
a pain that can truly never compare.
Fighting for air

in the thick, choking smoke.
Frantically escaping
For the fires encase me
In its arms of melting objects

Winds whip my hair into my eyes
Then I see it, I finally realise
Trees explode and the grass ignite
Kookaburras and birds attempt to take flight.

Only to find that their vision is impaired
As if we’re trapped in a box, none of us can go anywhere

Flashing lights and endless nights
Fatigued firefighters helplessly trying to revive their control.

Embers flying
Children crying

Mothers’ screams
can be heard from afar
Helicopters swarm
Creating a storm
Of mist, heat and wails.

Nothing was done for my fire trails
Which were meant to save my house.
My body just couldn’t take it
And my legs gave way to my body
I sank to the ground

Flames tickling my body
My brain urging me to flee
But all I could do
Is thrash around and wait
For my

By Jade

All the trees go up in flames
Helpless efforts by the sky cranes

Fire fighters try their best
All going without any rest

Smouldering leaves land suburbs away
Only to be found the very next day

All the pressure on the firetruck’s joints
Looking frantically for a hydrant point

Suddenly there’s a wind change
The fire burns out of range

Fire rages to the Hawkesbury River
Fire boats begin to shiver

While preparing for a back-burn
A lightning bolt hits a fern

While all firies are in doubt
That small fire out the big one out
By Josh

19 thoughts on “Bushfires

  1. well can I ask you a question how bad is it over there we have been seeing on the news and stuff but I really want to no what your opinion is. Your poem was amazing I loved it.

    • It is quite bad over here. The air quality is poor again today so we are stuck inside. The fires are still burning and the last update I have had is that 73 fires are burning and 29 are uncontained. Is there some event effecting America a lot at the moment?

  2. Dear Josh and Jade,

    Hi My name is Ben and I wanted to ask what is like to be stuck in a room for a recess, I mean over here we don’t have recess in 6th grade, I am truly sorry about whats going on over there. These poems really good I hope that your country stays safe.

    • Dear Ben,

      For my grade, we are finding staying inside fairly odd and tedious as we are accustomed to running around or playing soccer ect. It can also become quite loud as we are all kept in the computer room and my classroom, 6L. You mentioned that you didn’t have recess which raised a few questions, could you explain this to us?

      Thank you for your compliments and concern, they are both much appreciated,

      Jade V

  3. Josh I have a question for you. In social studies I’m wacthing CNN student news and they say the fire is getting bigger and I wondering if that’s true? I’m sorry for your country and your town. That would be horrable and hope your family is okay. Your poem is very good I wish I could do that. There are very good rhyming in your poem.

    • Thankyou. My dad is a fire-fighter and so I know lot’s about them. He showed me a video of them driving through the smoke where you can only see 5 metres in front of you.


  4. That was good poetry! It is sad that the fire is affecting students in your class and their families. In my social studies class we watch CNN news and it talks about how the fire is affecting a lot of people and I go to a school in the USA and the school I go to is Lewis Central Middle School.

  5. How big is the fire were you are now and is it spread? I like those poems you wrote that because they did a good job do it and they told me more details on it.

    • Hi Jason Lee,
      The fires where we are aren’t that big, but places close to us are very big and are spreading.
      Thank you for asking everyone here appreciates your concern.
      Sincerely Jemma

  6. I like both of your poems. They are very intelligent! I think they are very unique and interesting. How is it like down there? Is it hard to breath with all the smoke in the air? I bet it would be hard! I feel bad all the smoke is around there is it affecting you?

    Kennedy Korner

    • Dear Kennedy,
      It is alright here not too many fires where we are but they are very close. It Is hard to breathe but we can manage.
      Sincerely Bryce

    • Dear Kennedy K,

      Thank you for your comment and compliments, they are much appreciated. Although the fires are approximately 45 minutes away, the air is often very thick with smoke, but everyday differs due to the direction in which the wind is blowing. Throughout the past week, my whole school has been kept indoors and we have had pupils that were unable to attend school because of asthma. Last week we experienced the coolest thing, a red sun! The smoke had acted like cellophane and impaired our normal view of the sun!
      Thank you for your concern,


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