Crazy Spelling Sentences

In class today the students were asked to construct the most imaginative and creative sentence they could using this week’s Spelling List.  They had to use at least three words.

I was going to choose the best sentence to post onto this blog, but as you can see, it was too hard to choose.

Here they all are…

On Tuesday the oldest eucalypt tree fell over, so now it went on a talk show.

By Bailey B

On Tuesday I saw Voldemort eating almond muesli while reading a note on the tissue which was Psalm 1.

By Piper H

The salmon was in pursuit of the front of the Tuesday queue.

By Kasey V

One night, Mr. Salmon was swimming through the gruesome, undersea garbage dump when suddenly, a dirty tissue covered in whale blubber started to hover over Mr. Salmon, and it talked about the muesli it had seen the whale inhale on Tuesday and how it had to wait in a queue for the doctor because a bit had clogged up its blowhole.

By Abigail A

On Tuesday we had an issue with a gruesome tissue.

By Yohan D

Every Tuesday I walk and talk with gruesome muesli.

By Jordan T

I began to argue with my brother because he wanted to pursue his dreams and walk to America by riding a salmon in the water and he wanted to get there on Tuesday and today is Monday.

By Brooke P

The salmon wrote the eulogy he wanted read at his funeral, as he waited in queue, to pick his shoe box coffin.

 By Corinne S

Every Tuesday I walk up to the kitchen table, pour a bowl of muesli and add salmon and almonds while reading Psalm 1.

By Daniel T

We began to argue about the issue, to pursue making eucalypt, and almond flavoured muesli.

By Shanarah S

Watching euthanasia is giving me really gruesome thoughts and tonight is Tuesday night, so I’m really getting scared.

By Chloe W

On Tuesday I’ve got a tissue , then I blew my nose and after I blew my nose I saw gold nuggets in the tissue so I said ” EUREKA!”

By Murray G

My dad, one day, told me something like “If you have an issue – here’s a tissue”, after that I called him a weirdo and walked away.

By Jack D

I was casually arguing with my stupid muesli, then a humongous, gruesome tissue gobbled me all up and continued reading a psalm from the Bible.

By Lachlan C 

I will continue arguing with the tissue about the walking salmon if he is in the state of euphoria or euthanasia.

By Isaac M

The salmon fish went to the shop to buy an almond, but on his way he fell down his stairs, out the door and into his car while talking to his wife.

By William B

Every Tuesday I continue to eat muesli with salmon.

By Bailey S

On Tuesday I was waiting in the queue, for the Sydney Tower, when I started to hear people arguing about having a photo.

By Rebecca B

On Tuesday I was walking home from school, when a gruesome man ran down the street to pursue a little boy with a bag of almonds.

By Luke P

On Tuesday, the argument continued to pursue people who walked and talked while eating gruesome muesli during a eulogy and people got so bored they started to eat salmon with almonds.

By Adele G

The old man continued to talk and argue about his issue with a gruesome tissue that had bits of muesli in it.

By Saacha B

A massive ‘THANK YOU!’ to Corinne, Chloe and Brooke for typing all these sentences up in their lunchtime and ‘WELL DONE’ Chloe for having the idea to send me the documents using Edmodo!